Minggu, 25 September 2011


After the triumph of Tin Mine Elapsed

      Joni is one of dozens of citizens who currently earn a Batuberdaun fortune by panning for tin in the coastal region.
    Every morning, using a bicycle pedal, they departed from the house towards the beach Batuberdaun. Armed with a tray of miners, shovel and sieve, they start their work day.
"Arriving here we were unable to work right away. Must wait for low tide, "said Joni. When the water receded, they flocked to the coast, choose a place that they think quite a lot of seed the leads. Using shovels, they dug up the stone and sand, then placed in panning.
       They play the panning it while bathing in the sea. The job they did until midday when the water began to tide. If lucky, they can take home a pound of tin ore. If less fortunate, get half a kilogram of tin ore was already boon.
Butiran Timah
   To the company's collector, tin ore which they sell to Rp 38,000 per kilogram. "It's better than if we worked on building projects. As builders we were given only Rp 15,000 per day, "said Sham, other tin miners.
      Being a construction worker was forced to do when bad weather and sea water does not go low tide. "Gardens are not reliable and there is no other job options," Syam said.

The biggest mine

      In earth science lessons first, Dabo-Singkep, Riau Islands, known across Indonesia as one of the largest tin mines in South Sumatra Bangka apart. Mining began in 1812 when the Dutch East Indies government still control Indonesia.
       After Indonesian independence, PT Timah took over management of the mine. They built the infrastructure to form the new city.
PT. Ancient tin
     When the PT Timah ceased operations in 1992, according to Head Dabo Abu Hazim, the region's economy slumped, too. Residents lose their source of livelihood. "Used vehicle crossing busy streets on Dabo, but now deserted," said one resident. Dabo airport at once crowded with officials of PT Timah and residents are now deserted"The ability of citizens is limited, as there is not potential," said Ashari, formerly a teacher in elementary school owned by PT Timah. Building infrastructure is left is used for health centers, housing, drinking water installations, as well as the road network.
       Abandoned buildings include tin-ore processing building near Market Dabo. The building is porous and many perforated tin roof.
        Abu Hazim said, "Since the PT Timah is closed, the basic problem in Dabo is no employment, and the legacy of PT Timah are not taken care of."

Sumber : http://dabosingkep.wordpress.com


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