Senin, 26 September 2011

History Dabo Singkep

Dabo Singkep Island

Place Names In Dabo Singkep
Singkep Dabosingkep as the capital district once known as "tin town" in addition to Louth (Bangka) and Tanjung Pandan (Belitung). The presence of tin mining company for since 1812 - 1992 (direct or indirect) has left the infrastructure which is now a local government assets and technical departments such as airports, seaports, highways, infrastructure, electricity, drinking water, telecommunications, hospital, bank buildings, offices tin companies, units of employee housing building, and so on.
       Dabo Airport can accommodate aircraft type Fokker-27, while the sea port has undergone a renovation of the state budget, hoping to stop off by mid-sized ships from Jakarta, Bangka to Batam or Tanjung Pinang.
Bridge Dabo Singkep
Moderate communication facilities with the area code 0776 already provides contact Direct Line Distance (DLD).

As the maid of Riau Islands regency (administrative support)

       Administratively Dabosingkep once as "capital" helpers which mewilayahi Riau Islands District Singkep District, District Linga, and the District of Senayang before it was removed years ago.
In the Near Islands Dabo Singkep
Educational center for the three districts (Suitable for education)
       Dabosingkep has 2 public high school and two junior high school and some other secondary education institutions. Compared Daik Linga and Senayang, educational facilities in relatively better Dabosingkep
SMA 2 Dabo Singkep  
Has a relatively larger population (higher population)     
Compared to two other district capitals, the city's population is relatively larger Dabosingkep. Although never experienced a population decline due to "break up" with PT. Tin, but since 1996 the population of this city continues to grow. This activity supports interconnected economy (economic activity) Singkep district as a whole.

Has the capacity of land for development growth (land capacity for growth)
Dabosingkep still have enough land to accommodate growth in construction, in addition to the relatively flat land also has a fairly broad access to infrastructure are available.

Community participation (community participation)
As a result of the restructuring of PT. Tin a few years ago caused so much unemployment (unemployment). This condition has led to the unemployed who have experienced it in search of work to Batam, Tanjung Pinang, Karimun, Jambi, and so on. Some of unemployment that still survive in Dabosingkep with its own activities. Dabosingkep as expected with the enactment of the district capital of most of the unemployed can be accommodated in various development activities.

The location and quality of buildings that have been arranged (landscape setting and quality)
For nearly two centuries of tin mining activities have an impact on the formation of building a fairly well organized (though still need a little improvement) as the location of hospitals, power plants, drinking water, airports, seaports, and so on.

Having a variety of ethnic populations (multi-ethnic nature of city)
The city has a diverse ethnic population such as Malay, Javanese, Minang, Chinese, Bugis who had suffered long enough acculturation. For example, many people married to Malay Bugis, Javanese, Chinese, and so on. China and the Minang community in this very important role in the local economy.

Weakness (weakness)The lack of commercial activity (insufficient commercial activity)        

       Since the left by PT. Tin, commercial activity in town Dabosingkep dropped dramatically. Unlike Tanjung Balai Karimun Tanjung Pinang or who has the advantage because of the proximity of the region with Singapore, trade and other commercial activities in the city is very limited. Now the trade routes on a limited scale is still done partly by Tanjung Pinang and Jambi. In addition the city is extremely lacking in diversity of economic activity (lack of economic diversification).

Depending on the presence of other areas (too dependent upon the other regions)
Map Tanjung Pinang
In fact Dabosingkep now highly dependent on the presence of the city of Tanjung Pinang as the capital of the district for formal affairs and Edinburgh in terms of supplying the basic needs of society.
Tanjung Pinang City
Lack of community involvement in ownership (lack of community involvement in ownership)
Community ownership of an asset is very limited especially for building units and heritage assets of PT. Tin. It will be difficult in terms of land acquisition while its status is unclear.

Losses on low-income (low income groups disadvantage)
As it happens now, government affairs, education and other formal affairs in Dabosingkep have to go through Tanjung Pinang as the capital district. This resulted in high costs (high cost) for low-income communities. Also prices of essential goods (groceries) and service charges / services are relatively more expensive here.

Lack of transportation facilities (lack of public transport)
In addition to marine transportation facilities are limited, Dabosingkep also lack the means of land transportation such as public transport, buses and taxis.

Lack of management of Attraction (under developed tourism)
Dabosingkep not as lucky as Tanjung Balai Karimun, which although less attraction but has characteristics such as Singapore in the 1970s, sehigga tourists from the neighboring country are not reluctant to spend money there. Instead Dabosingkep, in addition to relatively more distant from Singapore, also had no attraction well-managed. While the tourism sector is very instrumental in providing value added and contribution to Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) for the economy of the region of Riau Islands, Batam and Karimun as a whole.

Direct link to Tanjung Pinang and Jambi (corridor link to Tanjung Pinang and Jambi)
Tanjung Pinang is included in industrial zones, both the industry processing and tourism industry. This area also has good access to Singapore, Batam and Karimun. The existence of corridor between Dabosingkep and Tanjung Pinang provide vast opportunities for economic growth Dabosingkep future.

Apart from Tanjung Pinang, Dabosingkep also has a corridor with Edinburgh which is the only provincial capital on the island of Sumatra, closest to the current Dabosingkep. Opportunities in trade and wider economy will be created when the existing infrastructure can be used optimally as the use of airports and seaports Dabo available. As released in Riau Pos dated February 18, 2001 with the title "Breaking through isolation Riau Airlines Region". With the Riau Provincial Government plans to make use of existing airports throughout Riau including Dabo Airport, the flight path that is passed through Riau Airlines will create a multiplier effect for the local economy from the ease of investment. This flight path corridor would create a "new" to Batam (last corridor was interrupted in 1996/1997 breaking flight path of aircraft types SMAC-Dabosingkep Jambi-Batam) in order to participate actively in global economic arena.

Relations with the "main cities" (linking with main cities)
Apart from Jambi, Tanjung Pinang and Batam, the city has a relatively distant relationship with the "main cities" such as Kuala Tungkal (capital of West Tanjung Jabung-Jambi), Muara Sabak (capital of East Tanjung Jabung-Jambi), which has free port , and Tanjung Balai Karimun (Karimun regency) and Louth (the provincial capital of Bangka-Belitung). These conditions create economic opportunities in a wider scale.

Have natural resources that support the (natural resources)
In the news Kompas dated July 24, 2000 said that the Island Still Singkep save 200 thousand tons of tin. A Domestic Investment company will revive the mining activity that had stalled since 1992. Mining activities were in addition to contributing to the economy can also accommodate a force of unemployment due to restructuring of the PT. Tin. With the hectic activity of the mine will have an impact on improving the city's economy Dabosingkep with infrastructure that can be accessed by mining companies.
      Other natural resources owned by, among others in the fisheries sector. It is seen from the number of the establishment of catching fish (kelong) waters along the island Singkep.

Threats (threats) severe environmental damage (environmental degradation)       It is estimated that about 45,000 ha of land on the island of Singkep has been utilized as a basis of tin mining activities for almost one hundred and eighty years. The island is now filled with lakes of former tin mining. This condition is further exacerbated by the operation of sand mining activities. Sand mining and offshore (offshore mining) and deforestation (deforestation) and desertification (disertification) resulted in a growing lack of affordable land (limit of affordable land) on the island of Singkep (Dabosingkep exception as its capital).

The tendency of disorder construction of new buildings (threat to the landscape quality of city)
There is a tendency in the city Dasingkep this time where people make a new building without mengindah applicable regulations and does not care for the environment.
      In building legacy PT. Tin can still be said to be arranged neatly enough, but seeing a trend where the current construction of new buildings often do not correspond with the layout and the beauty of the city. As a simple example is the manufacture of building bird's nest in the middle of the city without a care about the environment.

Cultures tend to be apathetic society (culture growing niche to apathetic)
Restructuring of PT. Tin in the early 1990s the right to lay off thousands of employees had caused "injury" is sufficient in the community Dabosingkep. "Luka" is impacting on various aspects of community life and cause such a trauma for the people, especially former employees of PT. Tin. It could be argued Dabosingkep society formerly synonymous with PT. Tin. Thus when the PT. Tin restructured so the impact is identical to the conditions in society as keseluruhan.Trauma that this will impact on their daily activities, especially if the activity is associated with the expansion plan of the Riau Islands regency.

Ideally, build an administrative capital is a planned city with a system such as the National Capital in Canberra Australia. But the establishment of Canberra Establish since 1911 it is supported by a strong enough state funding from the Australian Government. In contrast to Indonesia and regional economic conditions are uncertain at this time, while echoes the desire for autonomy is very loud sounds, then the right choice to choose the city as the city government is based on existing conditions and natural growth of the city.
     Comparing between Dabosingkep with Daik Linga and Senayang, automatic conditions that meet the "criteria" above is Dabosingkep. We tried to look at it as objectively as possible based on the availability of infrastructure as a key requirement. This is so that in further development, after the county division is formed, the costs for infrastructure can be diverted to improve the economy of the people who fall at this time.
      There is a desire to form Daik Linga as the district capital has historically given Daik been a center of Malay kingdoms, and current geographical access can be more evenly than Dabosingkep and Senayang and other small islands.

But the fact that there is no alternative but to take the most profitable option. It is not possible in the future Lngga Daikl city can become the center of Malay culture and the development of agriculture sector and in manufacturing plants established Senayang fisheries sector (according to Location Theory) because access is relatively close to the area Barelang (Batam, Rempang, Galang). Thus this paper, may be useful for the local government policy in order to support strategic planning that is designed for expansion into the Riau Islands regency of Riau Islands regency and district Selingsing.




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