Senin, 26 September 2011

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Mudah2an useful to you all.

Mount Muncung

      Nature Tourism Mountain District Muncung Dabo Singkep Linga is situated in the city of Dabo Singkep which has mileage of about 15 Kilo Meters from the city center. Nature Muncung Mountain is one of the natural attractions that exist in the district of the mountain after Mount Daik Linga which is famous for all three branches. Being in the middle of the island Dabo Singkep with a height of approximately 450 meters above sea level. Muncung mountain is the highest mountain on the island of Singkep Dabo.
      From the summit of Mount Muncung Singkep Dabo, we can enjoy the natural scenery is simply stunning. Panorama-beautiful panorama around the island Dabo Singkep a natural decoration that can be clearly seen from the summit of Mount Muncung this. Among them such as sunset, tiny islands and a large island adjacent to the island Singkep Dabo. According to information from local people from the area of ​​Mount Muncungg this site, we can also see the real island of Sumatra, if the natural weather conditions allow.
     Muncung Mountain Nature is often used by citizens Dabo kaulamuda Singkep especially as a place of recreation such as camping and cross country haiking. To do haiking, we must climb by foot that can be taken in 3 to 4 hours. In addition to challenging the place and the beautiful nature around the mountain with all its natural flora and fauna, at the foot of Mount Muncung there are also several natural attractions like waterfalls Waterfall Waterfall thundering and Batu Ampar. Not only that, place the foot of Mount Muncung area is used as a source of clean water to be distributed home-home residents Singkep Dabo citizens since 1975.
      Characteristics of Mount muncung have a television transmitter tower mast is the link information between citizens Dabo Singkep with the outside world. Standing around the year 1978, which was facilitated by the company Tin Singkep and very often visited by residents Dabo Singkep especially for residents who work in this area Muncung Mt. In addition, Mount Muncung has 28 winding (turns) are quite steep and access to go to this location can be in use by four wheel drive vehicles using the facility. But as time goes, this place is not accessible anymore by using the four-wheeled vehicles dikarenaka many weeds that have covered the main road as the access to go to the location. Not only that, as for the street is no longer feasible to be reached by using two-wheeled vehicles.
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Waterfall Batu Ampar

      Linga District has many beautiful places to visit. One well-known to local residents is Batuampar Waterfall in Dabo Singkep. Travel to these attractions is very easy because the water can be reached via the main road. Indeed, the fastest is to use the bike from Dabo Singkep, or for travelers who come through the Port of Jago can directly order a car to take you up to the location.
      Waterfalls Batuampar crowded if holidays. located at the foot of Mount Muncung, the charm of this waterfall is always tempting to be visited and revisited.
       The beauty of the scenic mountainous area, making one visitor attraction to be a routine visit to the tourist sites and recreation which is also known as the Baths of this Batuampar. Clarity and exoticism waterfall that came from the mountain foot hills muncung, a tranquilizer Dabo Singkep and surrounding residents to enjoy the freshness of the natural conditions of a waterfall baths Batuampar. No wonder that the citizens surrounding Dabo Singkep and many who visit to relieve their stress from all the busyness of everyday.

      Batuampar a waterfall baths, provides several ponds which are distinguished from the age of visitors. Such as a swimming pool for children ages that have not been a good swimmer, can enjoy a small pond that is not too deep that can still be supervised by their parents. Meanwhile, for visitors who are used and a good swimmer, also provided a large pool depth ranges from about two yards more.
        In the area of this Batuampar waterfall baths, also provided other support such places, places to eat, children's playground and pond fish pond in which there are several types of freshwater fish such as tilapia, fish, pomfret and several other fish species that also much in demand by tourists visitors Batuampar waterfall.
       Almost all tourist corner where this could become an interesting place. In front of the waterfall, built huts are quite strong and sturdy. Usually this place used to dine with the family. If not accommodated here, residents can spread the mat on the other mats brought from home. Nan shade trees will be the umbrella for sun heat or stinging.
      Getting closer to the lips of waterfalls, rippling water in the skin greet visitors. Here there is an interesting old bridge to pass. When swayed, causing a sensation for daring meraka passing on it.
      Vast expanse of the pool with surrounding trees make this region green. Visitors can also climb the evidence to see how or from where the flow comes batuampar waterfall. Usually many other visitors choose to climb the hill and sit back on top of the waterfall.

Beautiful Sergang Beach

     Nature Beaches Beautiful Sergang Sea coast is a tourist location that is equally beautiful when compared with the other natural attractions in Dabo Singkep. As the name implies, Pantai Indah Sergang Sea, this beach has a beautiful panorama of the beach which is located in the village of Sea Sergang Singkep Dabo. And it has been said, the name of this beach area named "Sergang Sea".
      This beach has a beautiful ocean view that is almost the same as Nature Beaches Batu leafy. In front of the Pantai Indah Sergang Sea there are several pieces that adorn the houses floating sea Sergang Gulf Sea. In addition, people Dabo Singkep especially those in the village often visited dikala Sergang Sea sea water receded far ketengah reef. Many residents take advantage of this opportunity to seek sustenance from coral reefs, such as fish, octopus (Krete), snails, sea snails, shells, sea shells, sea worms and so forth. It is still often done by Dabo Singkep surrounding communities because of the location of the peninsula Sergang Sea coast has the potential of marine coral-rich and has not been contaminated.

Pine beach

      Casuarina Beach Dabo natural attractions are located in areas Sergang Singkep Sea archipelago located between Beach and Pantai Indah Sergang Sea. More precisely adjacent to the beach Sergang Beautiful Sea. Pine beach is a place of new marine tourism among the attractions of nature that there is another beach on the island of Singkep Dabo. Such as leafy Stone Beach, Pantai Indah Sergang Sea, Coastal Archipelago, and Cape Coast Cape Coast Jodoh Sawang.
       Many citizens Dabo Singkep and curious outsiders who want to visit this beach because of the beautiful panorama around the coast. In this coastal region, provided a small cottage-lodge atmosphere shaded with cold air, even though they remained at the shore. In the afternoon, in front of this beach we can see the wonderful sight of ships passing through the front of this beach.

       For visitors who want to go to this beach, access to go to Casuarina Beach area is just as easy as visiting Pantai Indah Sergang Sea, Archipelago Beach and other beaches. Can be reached by using two-wheeled vehicles and four wheel. It is possible, for residents who walk around a lot to get to this beach area especially the village community residents Sergang Sea. So, it seems illegitimate when it passed the village of Sea Sergang not stop for even a moment to visit this beach.

Beach Archipelago

      Nature Beaches Nusantara or better known as PN Coast Singkep Dabo (taken from the abbreviation name Nusantara Coast) has a beautiful beach panorama, because the position is located disebuah bay beach which is surrounded by a long promontory which has a beautiful coral. Coast archipelago is located not far from Cape Coast and Coast Pine Jodoh, still in a rural coastal areas sergang sea.

      On the beach of this archipelago we can feel the natural atmosphere and the cool air condition. Because in this beach location provided places to relax the surrounding there is a large and shady trees. The beach in front of this archipelago we also enjoy the beautiful scenery of sea corals and can trace the top of the beach.

      The beach is not only attractive to visitors during the day only, night haripun many visitors who come to enjoy the beauty of the beach for a night around this archipelago. And this place is also very suitable for those of you who want to visit with family recreation.

Cape Beach Mate

Nature Beaches Cape Jodoh Singkep Dabo is one beach resort that has a typical coral reef that juts from the top of the hill Jodoh Cape. The location of this beach location is very close between the villages of Yellow Sand and Sea Sergang village adjacent to the coast of the archipelago. From the location of this beach, we can also see from afar the beautiful sights surrounding the archipelago Coast.

Jodoh Cape Coast is a natural tourist beaches that have existed long ago. Formerly Jodoh Cape Coast has white sand beach with its coastal area. Not less good as leafy Stone Beach. However, since the occurrence of abrasion on the shoreline, causing the location of this beach area becomes narrower. Sangking breadth lips this Jodoh formerly Cape Coast can be used as an area to play football for visitors and surrounding communities.

Waterfall Bedegum

      About 2 kilometers from the village center Cont. Nature tourism Bedegam Waterfall is one of the natural attractions on the island Singkep Dabo is no less natural when compared with waterfall tours available, such as natural waterfall Stone Travel and Tourism Ampar natural waterfalls roar. The legend says, the name of this waterfall Bedegam characteristics taken from the waterfall is quite heavy.

      Natural attractions in the district have Dabo Singkep Linga is still very natural and for access to the tourist sites of this nature is a bit difficult. But although it is difficult to be reached by wheeled vehicles, not a few citizens Dabo Singkep hobby with natural challenge to visit this location on foot. Because of fatigue when it reaches to the site will be treated with a beautiful panorama of nature unspoiled waterfalls and yet so often touched by the community Singkep Dabo.

Stone Leafy Beach

      Nature Beaches leafy Dabo Singkep Stone is one of the tourist sites of natural beach that has long been a hallmark of Dabo Singkep citizens. Nature tourism is the beach Stone leafy sprawling peninsula coast Singkep Dabo. For the visitors who come from the south and west of the island Singkep Dabo, will be able to watch white Stone sand beaches of this leafy. Characteristic of the natural attractions of this beach lies leafy Stone from a pile of large stones on which there is a small tree. What is said is the origin of the name of the tourist sites of natural beach stones leafy.

      The exoticism of this beach, not just the typical name of the beach, another hallmark of the condition lies in the white sand beaches and long stretches between the villages of Kampung Baru area in the village of Garden Nyiur. Not only that, this leafy Stone beach location also dihapit by a lake (or often called the "pit" for residents Dabo Singkep) with a green water color that adds an addiction for visitors who've been to a beach location for a visit this leafy Stone again.

      Stone leafy beach front location, we also can see the extent of sea that far ahead with decorated floating houses called "Kelong" (small house used Dabo Singkep residents to catch fish in the sea). Not only that, visitors can also spend their time swimming on the beach while enjoying white sand beaches leafy Stone. If New Year's Eve arrived, this place is usually used as a camping spot for residents and surrounding Singkep Dabo while waiting for New Year's Eve arrived.

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